About / Known Issues
Known Issues
- Please report any issues to the GitHub repository (link below)
- Jilael, 2024-10-09,
Why: Initial Release
Initial Release - Jilael, 2024-10-11,
Why: Feature Request
Added MudExtensions for MudExDialog component and updated all dependencies - Jilael, 2024-10-11,
Why: Feature Request
Updated Color Picker component to MudExDialog making it draggable. Added palette icon options in place of button to copy from existing Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary colors. - Jilael, 2024-10-11,
Why: Bug Fix, SnackbarChip
Fixed timing issue in Snackbarchip, specifically in async operations where the chip is supposed to show after some operation is done. - Jilael, 2024-10-12,
Why: Enhancement
Realigned header actions buttons on Color Picker component - Jilael, 2024-10-12,
Why: Bug Fixes
Fixed Opacity values not going back and forth, copyfrom palettes from reverting to changed colors - Jilael, 2024-10-12,
Why: Bug Fix
Fixed Number Picker Step values to be in line with T (value type) and prevent stale data - Jilael, 2024-10-13,
Why: Invalid Look
Adjusted invalid spacing in Title Area, updated Dependencies, and added an Icon - Jilael, 2024-11-29,
Why: V8 support
Upgraded Mud version to 7.1.5, added tooltips and proper width to all panel buttons, added Tooltip Extensions, upgraded other dependencies, added support to V8.x.x in MudBlazor export function - Jilael, 2025-02-27,
Why: Open github issues
Upgrade dependencies to latest versions, rewrite backbone, add authorization, move to static database, fix few bugs. Switch codeview to MudEx controls. - Jilael, 2025-03-06,
Why: ReModel Application
Remove ability to maintain state changes between sessions, instead opting for an account login system. Create wizard for theme upload. Reimport and adjust all themes.
About -
Theme Creator GitHub Repository
Created by Versile using MudBlazor and .NET. This
code and all work contained within is available as Open Source and whatever license is attached to the
MudBlazor project. This project is not affiliated with MudBlazor or any of the contributors to the project.
We are not responsible for any issues that may arise from using this tool.
MudBlazor - https://www.mudblazor.com
MudEx - https://www.mudex.org
Instructions For Use
This isn't meant to be step by step instructions for use. The average user of this site should already be a developer and have some general understanding of the process. However, the more complicated things are explained as you do them, such as Exporting.
- The "AVAILABLE THEMES" MudSelect in the MudDrawer has 3 sets of options
- Last Modified Theme - This is where most of the magic is actually happening. Any time a change of any kind is made it saves that change to browser state. Those changes are always contained in Last Modified Theme. Even when you are on another theme (other than Default) it is saving everything to this state. That ensures if you get interupted as long as you use the same browser you don't lose any work.
- The Default Theme - These are loading on session start and are the defaults for MudBlazor. These defaults are stored in the application not pulled from MudBlazor so if the team changes something about a theme it might be out of date. I don't expect those changes but it's possible.
- Custom Themes - These are themes the site controller has imported. Generally through the import tool built into the site. Currently the tool imports Bootstrap themes and all of the open source Bootswatch themes were imported to start. These aren't 1 for 1 imports, but should be generally close.
- The home screen is nothing but a display canvas, it has most of the known components of the MudBlazor library in different configurations trying to demonstrate what your theme changes might do to a particular component.
In the upper right are options to choose that will navigate you away from the Home screen.
- CSS is if you need to look up a variable. If it's a MudBlazor variable it will return the result. If it returns no result it's not a MudBlazor variable.
- Cloud Upload is where you can import a Bootstrap theme. It will attempt to read any valid Bootstrap theme and load it into the application. Loading a Theme this way loads into the Last Modified Theme area and will remain until you select a new theme. There is no option to "Save" as only a Moderator can do that, but you can modify, work with, and eventually export it.
- Export Theme is where this utility really shines. It allows you to export either in a C# theme file or CSS files all of the options you selected. Note it includes ALL options even those you did not change. This is just in case you missed something or something changes down the line in the default. Lastly, if you make any change to anything while on this page you need to click the "Refresh" button to regenerate the theme.
- Next there is the About page, this page to describe known issues, workarounds, and instructions.
- The Light/Dark button is a toggle for the site. It will change the site to a light or dark theme. Please note there is no way to display both at the same time so if you make a change in the Light theme, a similar inverse change should be made in Dark theme if you plan to use both.